Mastering Your Recruiter Relationship for Job Search Success!

Working with a recruitment agency like Quest Personnel can make a huge difference in finding your ideal job. Here are some tips to get the most out of your collaboration with us:

Know Your Goals. It's essential to be clear about what you want in your career. Share your job aspirations, desired roles, salary expectations, and other important factors with us. The better we understand your goals, the easier it will be to find the right opportunities for you.

Keep Your Resume Current. Make sure your resume is always up to date with your latest experiences, skills, and achievements. A polished and professional resume helps us present you to potential employers in the best light.

Stay Connected. Maintain open communication with your recruiter. Respond to calls and emails promptly and keep us informed about any changes in your job search status or availability. Regular updates help us act quickly and keep you informed about new opportunities.

Be Receptive to Feedback. Our recruiters have valuable industry insights and experience. Listen to their advice on improving your resume, interview skills, or adjusting your job expectations. This feedback can significantly enhance your job search strategy.

Prepare for Interviews. When we secure an interview for you, preparation is crucial. Research the company, understand the role, and practice common interview questions. We can often provide additional insights about what the employer is looking for, so use this information to your advantage.

Show Professionalism. Treat all interactions with your recruiter professionally. Be on time for meetings and interviews, dress appropriately, and maintain a positive attitude. Your professionalism reflects well on you and influences our recommendations to potential employers.

Be Patient and Persistent. The job search process can take time, so it's important to be patient and persistent. Trust that we are working hard on your behalf. Stay proactive and engaged in your job search while we continue to find the right opportunities for you.

Give Feedback After Interviews. After each interview, share your feedback with your recruiter. Let us know how it went, what you learned, and any concerns or positive impressions you have. This helps us refine our search and better match you with suitable opportunities.

Keep Networking. Continue to build your professional network while working with us. Attend industry events, engage on LinkedIn, and follow up on any leads. Combining your efforts with our expertise maximises your chances of finding the right job.

Respect Their Time and Efforts. Our recruiters work with multiple candidates and employers. Respect their time by being organised and proactive in your job search activities. The more efficient and cooperative you are, the more effectively we can assist you.

Working effectively with recruiters can greatly enhance your job search experience. By being transparent, communicative, and professional, you enable us to find the best opportunities for you. Remember, this partnership is a two-way street – the more effort you put in, the more you’ll get out of it.


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